The Artists' Enthusiasm in Introducing the Peat Ecosystem to Urban Communities
By AdminVarious efforts are taken by environmentalists to be able to provide insight for public regarding the importance of maintaining peatlands. One of them is by creating Influencer Gathering event as well as One Day Design Challenge for social media influencer and also for art creator to both socialize mission of peat ecosystem restoration through their creative works.
Jakarta, December 19, 2017 – To increase public awareness of the importance of peat protection and restoration, Pantau Gambut held an event and design challenge for social media influencers and creatives, which was also attended by the public. With these events, Pantau Gambut – a coalition of 19 NGOs from eight other province (Jambi, Riau, South Sumatera, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Papua, and West Papua) – aimed to raise the visibility of peat ecosystem restoration through creative work.
The day was divided into two activities. The first was a gathering of 40 influencers with the theme “Make Peatland as Cool as You”. The second was a one-day design challenge with the theme “Make People Care about Peatland”, which was attended by eight creatives. Both events proved to be ideal mediums for Pantau Gambut to enhance the visibility and popularity of peat restoration.
In addition to peat socialization events with influencers and creatives and the #AyoPantauGambut campaign, Pantau Gambut also invited culinary activist Amelia Yena Febryanty to speak. Amelia is the founder of Papoea Kemang, a culinary business showcasing Papuan food. At her event, she provided insight on the importance of maintaining peatlands for the survival of the Papuan people, whose main food source, sago, grows in peatland.
In the closing session of the day, Local Network for Peat Monitoring representatives from various provinces shared information about the challenges faced by peat communities in their area. They explained that communities need to be closely involved in peat management decision-making. Public-private partnerships are likewise needed to ensure peat restoration processes that promote local wisdom. Local Network representatives also expressed their hope that the public would continue to support and monitor peat protection, not only when fire strikes the forest.
The Pantau Gambut initiative empowers the public to monitor the implementation of peatland restoration commitments of various stakeholders in Indonesia. Pantau Gambut analyzes the progress of Indonesian peatland restoration and protection efforts, based on independent monitoring data from 19 NGOs and community networks in eight provinces across Indonesia.
Pantau Gambut is also a platform for local communities to share stories about sustainable peatland management that improves livelihoods, reduces carbon emissions, and restores degraded peatland. Pantau Gambut analyses are intended to support decision-making at the national and local levels by promoting effective environmental conservation and public welfare.
Contact person:
Executive Director of Sustainable Madani Foundation, Teguh Surya
Papua Local Network Coordinator, Yohanes Akwan
South Kalimantan Local Network Coordinator, Kisworo Dwi Cahyono
Central Kalimantan Local Network Coordinator, Dimas Hartono
West Kalimantan Local Network Coordinator, Antonius Priyani Widjaja
Jambi Local Network Coordinator, Feri Irawan
South Sumatra Local Network Coordinator, Hadi Jatmiko
Riau Local Network Coordinator, Romesh Irawan Putera