Pantau Gambut cooperates with member organizations and network with the following roles and responsibilities:
The Pantau Gambut Network comprises all organizations involved in the implementation of Pantau Gambut activities at the national and subnational levels. They play a role in providing information and giving input on the content of Pantau Gambut, including policy analysis, verification, and advocacy. The Network regularly discusses Pantau Gambut’s strategic plan in responding to various important issues, including issues related to peat restoration activities.
- Supporters, consisting of organizations and individuals, can display their logos or names on the Pantau Gambut website.
- Pantau Gambut supporters obtain and provide up-to-date information for the Pantau Gambut team.
The Pantau Gambut Team implements strategic plans in research, investigation, advocacy, and campaign activities. These activities focus on analyzing pledges and policies related to peatland restoration and protection. The team also conducts periodic monitoring of peatlands using open data, field data collection to track the progress of peat restoration, and awareness raising campaigns to improve public knowledge on sustainable peat management. Community involvement is important in building long-term peatland protection and restoration solutions.