
The Minister of the Environment and Forestry Issues a Regulation on the Procedure for

Siti Nurbaya
Minister of Environment and Forestry
Category : Peat Restoration
Supports the umbrella pledge


Ministerial Regulation No. 14/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/2/2017

There are three main points stipulated in this regulation:

  1. The final map of Peatland Hydrological Areas (KHGs), including the procedure for determining and cataloging national peatland ecosystem functions at a scale of 1:250,000 and provincial or regency peatland ecosystem functions at a scale of 1:50,000.
  2. Support for peat ecosystems’ functions of preserving water, sustaining biodiversity, storing carbon stock, and maintaining climate balance. The peatland ecosystem functions also include protection and cultivation.
  3. Peatland ecosystem function determination.

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