
President instructed to stop issuing new permits

Joko Widodo
President of Indonesia
Category : Peat Moratorium
Supports the umbrella pledge
Setelah 5 tahun kebijakan penundaan pemberian izin baru pada hutan alam primer dan lahan gambut, akhirnya Presiden Joko Widodo menghentikan sepenuhnya pemberian izin baru pada kedua jenis kawasan tersebut melalui INPRES No. 5 tahun 2019


Inpres No.5 tahun 2019

President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2019 concerning the Termination of Issuing New Permits and Improvement of Governance for Primary Natural Forests and Peatlands. This Presidential Instruction is an improvement from the previous Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2017 concerning Postponement of Issuing New Permits and Improvement of Governance for Primary Natural Forests and Peatlands.

With the issuance of this Presidential Instruction, the issuance of new permits is no longer a temporary moratorium policy which is renewed every two years. It becomes a permanent policy to stop the issuance of new permits for primary natural forests and peatlands according to the Indicative Map on the Suspension of the Issuance of New Permits. In accordance with the provisions of this Presidential Instruction, the termination of issuing permits is excluded for:

  • applications that have received approval or permits for the utilization of forest areas prior to the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 10 of 2011
  • implementation of vital national development, including food sovereignty programs such as rice, sugar cane, corn, sago, soybeans, and cassava
  • extension of forest utilization permit that is still valid
  • ecosystem restoration
  • implementation of activities related to national defense and security
  • evacuation routes and temporary shelters for victims of natural disasters
  • setting up the center of government
  • national strategic project infrastructure
  • public safety support infrastructure

This Presidential Instruction also regulates the duties and obligations of ministers, heads of related agencies, and local governments.


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