Between Prayers, Indigenous Land, and Land Swaps in Papua
By Pantau GambutPeat is beneficial for agriculture, provides fuel and other energy sources, and supports reforestation. However, many people still believe that peat renders land useless, and waste it by converting peatlands to farms, plantations, and even settlements. This disregard for peat is why the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) describes it as an undervalued “Cinderella”.
Indonesia has extensive peatlands, but many people are not aware of peat’s benefits.
Based on these facts, we can see that peat has abundant benefits and is a necessity for many people. Peat is beneficial for agriculture, provides fuel and other energy sources, and supports reforestation. However, many people still believe that peat renders land useless, and waste it by converting peatlands to farms, plantations, and even settlements. This disregard for peatland is why the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) describes it as an undervalued “Cinderella” habitat.
It is time to “give back Cinderella’s slipper” and make peatland beautiful again, returning peat ecosystems to their natural balance. Restoring peat will also restore its critical functions in the ecosystem.