Peat Heroes, Our Nation’s Heroes
By AdminThe call is directed not only at the government but also at the broader public. To raise public awareness about the significance of preserving and restoring peat, Pantau Gambut is inviting everyone to join their cause through the "Peat at Sunset Time" exhibition and discussion at KALA in Kalijaga, South Jakarta.
The event aims to create a platform where peat ecosystem campaigner can interact with people who have not directly encountered peat, particularly residents of Java Island and other large cities who want to learn more about peat and its importance in preserving ecosystems. Campaign Manager Dimas Hartono stresses the importance of this event.
The event is divided into two sessions. The first session will include a discussion on peat and a solo comedy performance by Mamat Alkatiri. The discussion, which led by Pantau Gambut and WALHI National Executive, provided valuable insights on how the youth can participate in efforts to save peat ecosystems. Given the vast extent of the peat issue, which spans an area equivalent to South Korea and 51 times the size of Jakarta, it is often perceived as too complex to comprehend.
Sementara pada sesi kedua, dilakukan aksi teatrikal yang dilakukan oleh Johan Haha dan mimbar bebas dimana mitra jejaring Pantau Gambut dari tujuh provinsi bercerita kondisi ekosistem gambut yang ada di wilayahnya masing-masing. Acara pun ditutup dengan penampilan musik dari Ojosh, Om PLR, G-Pluck, dan DJ Kasbon.
Selain mengundang seniman dan aktivis untuk mengampanyekan perlindungan ekosistem gambut, Pantau Gambut juga menggelar pameran lukisan digital untuk menggambarkan dinamika yang terjadi di atas ekosistem gambut menggunakan model ilustrasi yang jenaka. Pembawaan pesan dengan gaya visual ini diharapkan menjadi medium yang atraktif namun dapat diterima secara logis oleh publik.
"All stakeholders must participate in protecting Indonesia's peat ecosystem if they wish for global efforts to address the climate crisis to be successful. Peat is capable of storing approximately 30% of the total global carbon to prevent it from being released into the atmosphere. It also serves numerous other functions for the environment and society," she concluded.