Digital Creative Campaign Training for Pantau Gambut Network
By AdminEven though the local elections are over, Indonesia is still in a political year because the general election will soon be held in 2019. This is an important moment to mainstream the peat protection issue because the 8.6 million people who live in villages around the peat ecosystem cannot be ignored.
Based on the research conducted by Pantau Gambut on the 2018 regional election, 98 out of 100 respondents answered that public officials' concern on peat protection is important. There are four main reasons of the importance of public officials' commitment to peat-related issues, i.e. (1) protection of ecosystem and life, (2) economy and community welfare, (3) fire prevention, and (4) synergy between central and regional government policies.
This means that the public is actually aware that the government's or public officials' concern for peat protection does not only have an impact on the environment but also on the people’s lives, especially those living around peatlands. So, what criteria can people use as a parameter to choose public officials who care about peat protection?
Have a vision, mission, and special programs related to environmental issues, especially peat protection and restoration. See how the candidate can implement various environmental policies, especially those related to peat protection and restoration.
Have a strategy that is realistic and relevant to the current condition of the community and peatlands. Therefore, the people can participate in monitoring and criticizing the unfulfilled promises of public officials due to various reasons in the future.
Not involved in money politics. Based on a survey by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2013, 71.72% of the public thought that money was a common thing in elections. Many candidates use money to get votes during elections so people have to be more observant in choosing their future leaders.
Have no history of being related in corruption cases. This can be used as a parameter to choose an honest and fair candidate.
Have an interest and experience in the environmental sector. Currently, people can use social media to assess whether the candidate or public official has an interest and involvement in environmental issues. Therefore, the media can be used more effectively, not only as a means to argue, but also to monitor the activities of candidate leaders or public officials.
Are you ready to elect a public official who cares about peat protection and restoration? Share your stories about officials who care about peat-related issues around you here or monitor the government's commitment to peat protection and restoration here.
Let us choose a leader who cares about peatlands!