
Rewetting infrastructures

One way to restore peat is by rewetting, which could be done by building infrastructure such as blocking canals and canal filling.

Sekat kanal ©Pantau Gambut

Blocking Canals

Blocking canal is made in the body of the canal, which was originally built to drain water out of the peat. Blocking canals is built to prevent more water from escaping from the peat and maintain a wet peat condition to prevent fires from occurring. Blocking canals can be categorized into two types: permanent and semi-permanent. Semi-permanent blocking canals are made of wood, while permanent blocking canal are usually built with concrete material.

Penimbunan kanal ©Parliza

Canal backfilling

Canal backfilling aims to close waterways/canals that cause water in the peat to flow out. With canal backfilling, the water that flows out can be retained and the surrounding peat can be moist and wet again.

Embung ©Arief Rahman Saan (Ezagren)/Wikimedia Commons


Embung is a basin building that serves to accommodate excess water when it rains. Stored water can then be used as a water supply when the peat is dry.

Sumur bor ©Pantau Gambut

Drilled wells

Drilled wells are artificial wells made with the help of drilling equipment that serve as water source that can be used to wet the top layer of peatland or to extinguish fires.

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