By Simpul Jaringan Kalimantan Barat
from Pantau Gambut

With the spirit of collective movement, Simpul Jaringan West Kalimantan carried out regional consultation, where they conveyed the progress of monitoring and activities as well as sought input from members to improve future monitoring efforts and ensure that peat restoration remained an important agenda.

The regional consultation meeting is a momentum for Simpul Jaringan Pantau Gambut West Kalimantan to do consolidation work. The meeting was held on Wednesday, 5 December 2018. The lack of member consolidation has become another homework for the secretariat as the network manager.

In general, the participants and members agreed on the Simpul Jaringan Pantau Gambut’s important role to ensure the achievement of restoration targets without ignoring the issue of rights and local wisdom of communities around peatlands. However, there are several notes for improvement so that the Simpul Jaringan can become the connector and shared space for efforts to save the environment.

These important notes include:

  1. Consolidation and dissemination of information must be more transparent, especially to members.
  2. Program activities should involve more members of Simpul Jaringan who have the resources to support the monitoring program.
  3. It is necessary to conduct a restoration budget review/study to see trends in budget changes and pay attention to information disclosure.
  4. It is necessary to strengthen baseline data for monitoring and analysis, including by involving members, for the activities of Pantau Gambut and other institutions that support peat conservation.
  5. It is necessary to prioritize advocacy for people living in peatlands with local wisdom.

Until 2018, civil society organizations that focus on saving peatlands in West Kalimantan, including members and non-members of Simpul Jaringan Pantau Gambut, continue to carry out campaigns and advocacy on saving peatlands through their own work programs. Therefore, it is very important to build a common understanding and collaborate in order to build public participation in monitoring commitments related to peat protection.

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